Prisoners of the Ghostland
Prisoners of the Ghostland
United States of America, Japan, 2021, 103 min
Action / Thriller / Filme
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Director:Sion Sono
Stars:Nicolas Cage, Sofia Boutella, Bill Moseley, Nick Cassavetes, Tak Sakaguchi, Yuzuka Nakaya, Young Dais, Lorena Koto, Canon Nawata, Louis Kurihara, Tetsu Watanabe, Yunho, Charles Glover, Cici Zhou, Takato Yonemoto, Shin Shimizu, Matthew Chozick, Constant Voisin, Maya Carraz
Production:ELEVEN ARTS Studios, Untitled Entertainment, XYZ Films, Patriot Pictures, Boos Boos Bang Bang, Baked Studios, RLJE Films
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